Social music spaces for employees

Social music spaces for employees
What is Hangout?
Hangout is a platform for virtual joyful collaborative music spaces. Users can stream their favorite music and voice chat in real time with real people around the world, whether they are friends, colleagues, or meeting for the first time.
Playlists and algorithms have removed the joy and communal elements out of the experiences of music discovery, leaving it an isolated experience. At the same time, virtual social events—held on video chat and messaging platforms—feel sterile and awkward.
Since Turntable’s inception in 2011 and now with the all-new Hangout’s emergence in 2022, our mission has been to bring back the joy and sense of community to music discovery and virtual gatherings.
The Problem With Virtual Water Coolers
Many companies, particularly those with distributed and remote teams, are constantly searching for ways to engage employees in team-building and social behaviors, away from the business of everyday work. This generally takes the form of Zoom happy hours and off-topic Slack channels.
Unfortunately, these activities are stiff and feel too similar to normal work. After a day of meetings, no one wants to crack open a beer on Zoom. Just like in-person workers will go down the street to a bar to relax rather than socialize in an empty meeting room, your virtual social space shouldn’t feel like it’s inside the same building that employees work at.
Your company's
Hangout’s listening rooms (we call them “hangouts”) feel like the bar down the street. Users can join a room, talk in the chat, and listen to music together in a low-key, low-pressure environment.
In addition to feeling like a “close but not too close to work” virtual space, Hangout’s unique features create a welcoming atmosphere that keep employees coming back:
Shared Activity
Bonding is built around shared activities, not idle conversation. Listening to music together and taking turns selecting music provides a conversation starter and activity to fill the gaps in conversation. This means no awkward silences and an easy way for people to join in.
A Virtual Space Without Video
Attendees on Turntable LIVE hangouts are represented by full body avatars. This means that you don’t need a camera or a video background to participate! Importantly, being represented by an avatar on screen gives the sensation of actually being inside this virtual space, as opposed to being a non-participative viewer.
Live Mic
Want to talk but don’t want to be restricted to a text chat? Turntable LIVE’s “live mic” mode allows users to talk over the music and the ability to balance the volume of voice and music.

What Our Users Say
Turntable LIVE is full of companies already using the platform to increase engagement with employees. Here’s what a few users had to say in a recent survey:
“I use Turntable LIVE in my office with my coworkers. All of us have accounts and listen together in the same workspace. Sometimes we do theme days, like only songs starting with the letter A, that type of stuff. It’s pretty cool that everybody can put on their songs; makes DJing in the workspace very democratic.”
“I listen on Turntable with my coworkers. I set up a hangout for our company and it has moved across all shifts and has been great for engagement, especially work from home. It’s great for sharing music tastes among friends and keeping engagement while still maintaining professionalism with work.”
Bot Setup
The Turntable LIVE bot lets you connect your Discord server or Slack workspace to your hangout. It can subscribe to hangouts and let you know when someone starts DJing. Here are some commands to get started:
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